Page Ten: Summer Bucket List

Bucket. (Just say it out loud–‘s fun)

I don’t make winter or autumn bucket lists but summer bucket lists are a non-negotiable. For whatever reason. They’re totally unimportant and made up and no one has to have one. But it’d make the comment more section more fun if you had one. There are three whole items on mine. Here they are:

1. Make (and share) a batch of super good sangria. Preferably on a patio in the evening times. Kellory knows what I’m talking about. 

2. Random little tattoo without a lot of forethought. I’m talking, walk into a studio on an afternoon and pick some flash off the wall. 

3. Go sleeveless a few times. This is something that, swimming pool not included, has happened in public exactly one time. No one cares. It’s hot. Get comfy. 

What do you want to get did this summer? 


What do you think?